Saturday, April 11, 2015

How to fix org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: error: Unexpected character encountered (lex state 3)

I have encountred this error while trying to communicate with a webservice that returns in its XML a url containing a "&" character. While parsing the XML response my web server gives this error : "org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: error: Unexpected character encountered (lex state 3)".
The solution is to replace this character by "&" before parsing the XML response.

response = response.replaceAll("&", "& a m p ;"); 
That's all you need to do. It means that the xml document you're parsing isn't perfect.

How to delete control+Q keyword shortcut from ubuntu

There is a very annoying keyword shortcut for those who have used both Azerty and Qwerty keyboards. Actually, it's the ctrl+q shortcut. Some old reflexes come back to me since I used to have a french keyboard and it happens that I want to select all content using ctrl+A but suddenly the whole application shuts down.

In order to delete this shortcut, You need to go to :

System > Preferences > Keyword

Add a new Ctrl+q shorcut to the /bin/false command.
if the keyword preference windows shuts down when you try to add the ctrl+q shortcut, try to add another one. ctrl+j would do.

Then use your console to navigate to :


and edit this xml file with gedit if you want and change the ctrl+j by ctrl+q.

Then you need to reboot to activate those changes.

That's all.

source link.